
Get professional financial consulting from Hana Asset Trust.

Collateral Trust

You can receive real estate-secured loans more conveniently.
Get professional financial consulting from Hana Asset Trust.

What is Collateral Trust?

A trust for the purpose of receiving a loan with Beneficiary Right Certificate, which the customer has acquired by transferring
real estate ownership to a trust company, as collateral in order to guarantee the performance of his/her debt
An advanced surety technique that can replace the current mortgage system, it can reduce the debtor's costs compared to setting up a mortgage
and, for the creditor, prevent unforeseen damage caused by lease relationship and property defects, and secure independence of trust property
so that funds can be quickly recovered through short sale in the case of default.

Structure of Collateral Trust

담보신탁의 구조
Category Real Estate Collateral Trust Mortgage system
How to create Collateral Transfer ownership to trust company Create mortgage right
Property Rights Protection Prevent third party's infringement of rights
after trust registration
Seizure by third-party creditors allowed (posterior
mortgage rights, real estate provisional seizure, etc.)
Additional Collaterals Easy to add collaterals (simple parcel addition) Complex (e.g., new mortgage creation contract)
Compulsory Execution
by Posterior Creditor
Optional (subject to consent by senior creditor) Third-party creditors can apply for compulsory auction
or posterior mortgagees can apply for voluntary auction
Realization (Into money) Public sale by trust company (quick/simple/low cost) Voluntary auction by court (slow/complex/high cost)

Advantages of Collateral Trust

  • 01
    Creditor institution can save expens-
    es, time, manpower, etc. and enable
    focus on its own job
  • 02
    Prevent unforeseen damage due to
    lease relationship or product defects
  • 03
    In the case of the trustor's bankrupt-
    cy, enable to recover faster than
    third-party creditors thanks to inde-
    pendence of the trust property
  • 04
    As for the debtor, save costs as com-
    pared to setting up a mortgage and
    enable high-priced sale